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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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when i was thirteen, i had my first love!
« Icelandic »
hvenær ég var þrettán , ég had minn fyrstur ást!
when I var thirteen , I had my primordial love!
by shmmeel
Lady and the Tramp
« Chinese (traditional) »
Madame and hobo
by Trevor Elia
Blue waffles
« Welsh »
Glas waffles
Monastic community waffles
Today i watched a small boy, no older then 7 walk up to an elderly man who was wearing army attire. The little boy looked up at him and said, “Did you fight in a war?”. When the older man said he did the little boy shook his hand and said “Thank you for your service”. Watching that old man glow with pride
« Japanese »
今日私は小さい男の子を、より古いそして7歩行軍隊の装いを身に着けていた年配の人に見なかった。 小さい男の子は彼を調べ、言われる、「戦争でか」。戦った。 彼は小さい男の子を揺すった彼の手をおよびしたことを老人が言ったときに「あなたのサービスを」ありがとう言われる。 監視こと自尊心の老人の白熱
Present I the small boy, am older and you did not see in the elderly person who attaches the dressing up of 7 walking troops to the body. The small boy inspects him, is said, “war it is huge”. It fought. The he when the old person saying the thing which that hand which shakes the small boy and is done is “your service” thank you. Incandescence of old person of supervisory thing pride
lick my pussy lips with your wet soft tongue
« Portuguese »
lamba meus bordos do bichano com sua lingüeta macia molhada
it licks my edges of the pussy with its wet soft tongue-piece
by Kelsey
I love you .
« Welsh »
Cara 'ch.
I love ' dogs.
by Eleni
taste me tonight because i am wetter than a fish
« Japanese »
Because I have gotten wet from the fish, tonight taste me
by Angela
No One Interrupted Taylor Swift Tonight! Someone Must Of Held Kanye West Backstage
« Spanish »
¡Nadie Taylor interrumpido rápido esta noche! Alguien debe de Kanye West sostenido entre bastidores
Nobody fast interrupted Taylor tonight! Somebody must of Kanye West maintained between frames
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Post It!
« Spanish »
¿Tonto? ¿Choque? ¿Profundo? ¡Post-it!
Idiot? Shock? Deep? Post-it!
The King Leo
« Korean »
레오 임금
[ley] five wages
by Nectaria
Nice shirts like you!