I want a Big Tasty and a large coke. Thank you.
I nevoie un Mare Tasty şi un mare coke. Mulţumesc.
I need an Great Tasty and an great coke. thank you
This is the last time I will waste my time on a silly Internet site.
Is est permaneo vicis EGO mos attero meus vicis in a leviculus Penitus site.
This is to stay to the end time I will to weaken my time upon a empty-headed Inward site.
by Barry
spank my ass and call me sally
Strike my donkey with the open hand, me combat mission telephone
All employees must wash their hands before leaving the bathroom.
Totus utor must wash suum manuum pro decessio bathroom.
Whole to use must wash its hands for decrease bathroom.
by D58
It is so hard. That is what she said.
아주 단단하다. 그것은 그녀가 말한 무슨이다.
Is hard quite. It says her and is.
by Mike
Put your hands up or I will shoot you.
Mettez vos mains vers le haut ou je vous tirerai.
Put your hands to the top or I will draw you.
I'd hit that
Fi d daro a
I heartburn strike I go
I want to go to the mall today with my friend, but she will not answer her cell phone.
Voglio andare oggi al centro commerciale con il mio amico, ma non risponderà al suo telefono delle cellule.
I want to go today to the center trades them with my friend, but it will not answer to its I telephone of the cells.
Hey straight boy, drop to your knees and suck my big gay dick. Now bitch!
Hæ! hey! beinn drengur , falla til þinn hné og sjúga minn stór kátur tittlingur. Nú tík!
hi hay direct lad , drop to thy speedboat and suck my big cheerful prick. Today bitch!
My eyes hurt. Maybe I should stop wearing them so much overnight.
La mia ferita degli occhi. Forse dovrei smettere di portarli così tanto durante la notte.
My wound of the eyes. Perhaps I would have to stop to carry them thus a lot during the night.