Hit me, Baby, one more time.
Slå mig , Baby , nok en gang.
Whang me , Baby , another walk.
A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.
Una mentira consigue a medio camino en todo el mundo antes de que la verdad tenga una ocasión de conseguir sus pantalones encendido.
A lie obtains halfway anywhere in the world before the truth has an occasion to obtain its trousers ignited.
Screw the rules, I have money!
Kierre säännöt , I-KIRJAIN hankkia raha!
Screw bye-law I - LETTER secure lolly!
i love dick
나는 형사를 사랑한다
I love a criminal case
by Sorcha
a gay guy, a catholic priest and a rabbi walk into a bar.
jeden èilý dìlat si dobrý den z nìkoho , jeden katolický duchovní a jeden rabín osopit se na jeden písèina.
a swift scoff at something , a catholic spiritual plus a rabbi walk into a shelf.
fuck you dick sucking bitch ass mother fucker!
The hateful person who inhales the mother fucker of the donkey of the female dog have sexual intercourse!
Prussia has invaded your vital regions
The professional shear invaded your serious area
There is no point in being a grown up if you cannot be childish
When it is immature, if it is not, there is no point in a certain thing which is brought up
fix it
regeln Sie es
regulate it
by Jason
Are we not men? We are Devo!
Ert við ekki mannskapur? Við ert Gjörsneyddur!
Art accustom not labour force? Accustom art Devoid!
by Joe W-M