I think you suck
I düþünmek sen emmek
I think of you suck
i want my baby back ribs
나는 나의 아기 뒤 늑골을 원한다
I want the rib after my baby
by amber
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If the $5 of the store is excluded, the season of Petco of conservation the coupon is obtained
To be, or not to be: that is the question:
이고기 위하여, 또는: 그것은 질문이다:
This meat in order, or: It is question:
kindergarten is for silly children
mateøská škola is do pošetilý dítì
nursery school is up silly infant
I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die.
ÉG skot a maður í Afneita réttlátur til horfa á hann deyja.
I shot a man into Repulse righteous to look at he die.
The universe is not only stranger than we imagine, it is stranger than we can imagine
« Chinese (traditional) »
The universe is more conceivable than us us imagines, not only it is strange strangely
To be or not to be; that is the question.
生存还是毁灭; 那是问题。
The survival destroys; That is a question.
why does fox mean orphan
Why it changes color the orphan of center to orphan color?
here I am, rock you like a hurricane
The hurricane which is I here, likes is shaken