you are here. now we can have babies!
ここにいる。 今私達は赤ん坊を有してもいい!
It is here. Now we may possess the baby!
by sushie
My love wallows in the lake of sorrow.
Mi amor wallows en el lago del dolor.
My love wallows in the lake of the pain.
by Den
what noise annoys an oyster?
hvaða hávaði ónáða óákveðinn greinir í ensku ostra?
;fn) row disturb indefinite article into English oyster?
by neil
My blind date was a douche bag
나의 미팅은 douche 부대이었다
My meeting was douche units
by Fluf
Stacy and Jenaya like to sniff Justinas Ass
Стейси и Jenaya любят обнюхать ишака Justinas
Stacy and Jenaya love to sniff the ass Of justinas
football and hot dogs
balompié y perritos calientes
hot soccer football and small dogs
I met puff daddy over spring break in the virgin islands
JÁ met bafat táta nad skoèit drezírovat èlen urèitý èistý ostrov
SELF met whiff pop above spring break in the white isle
Hard at work or hardly working?
Skrap henne ved arbejde eller næppe i orden?
Sticky at jobs or barely in order?
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
얼마 나무를 우드척은 우드척이 나무를 가볍게 칠 수 있던 경우에 가볍게 칠는가?
Right tu is the tree to be light seven possibilities tight and right
tu it hits Ul E tree tight lightly theyn the place?
Come on, baby, light my fire
Bl�it se , d��tko , bujn� m� hore�ka
Near , baby , wanton has hectic