We hold these truths to be self evident: that all men are created equal, that they are endwoed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, among these life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
私達は自明であるためにこれらの真実を保持する: すべての人は作成された同輩、それ彼らであることこれらのの中のある特定の譲渡できない権利の彼らの創作者によって、幸福の生命、自由および追求endwoed。
We keep these truths because it is self-explanatory: All people were drawn up and with their originators of the right not to be able to transfer a certain specification in these of the thing which is the same 輩, that they, the life of happiness, freedom and pursuit endwoed.
red liquid is in the wound of the mother and you lick it off while you intercourse and she shouts and erect a lot
rauður vökvi er í the sár af the móðir og þú sleikja það burt á meðan þú samskipti og hún hróp og uppréttur a einhver fjöldi
rubrical water is into the tender with the mother and you lick there drive away meanwhile you the same as and she call and upstanding a lot
I enjoy vagina.
JA uživati tuljac od lista.
I bask cornet with list.
My head is a box filled with nothing
and that's the way I like it
My garden's a secret compartment
and that's the way I like it
and that's the way I like it
Your body's a dream that turns violent
Meg leder er en bokse med fylte med ikke noe og ja nettopp måten JEG like den Meg hage en hemmelig avlukke og ja nettopp måten JEG like den og ja nettopp måten JEG like den Din kropp en drømmen det dreier heftig
My administrator am a box filled along with no and quite so course I equal it My chin a clandestine compartment and quite so course I equal it and quite so course I equal it Din body a dream facts rotates hefty
I like big butts and I cannot lie.
Eu gosto de butts grandes e eu não posso encontrar-se.
I taste of butts great and I cannot meet.
by Meekish
we have to do something about these crappy translations
nos have efficio quispiam super illa crappy translations
we fui to do anyone over, upon that wine transfer of the body of a saint
by jan
Have fun storming the castle
When being pleasant, pass the fact that it crashes in the castle
Requiem for a dream
Vratiti koga u život za san
Requicken for San
I cannot understand people who will believe in God but will not believe there are butterflies bigger than the Earth and leopards made of golden wire circling the sun.
JÁ dìlostøelectvo dovídat se lid kdo vùle doufat v Bùh aby ne vùle ne domnívat se tam ar motýl bigger než èlen urèitý Doupì a leopard udìlal of pozlacený radiogram kolo èlen urèitý slunce.
SELF cannon understand nation whoa wills trust in God lest wills no suspect about are butterfly bigger than the Run plus leopard made of golden wire wheel the sun.
by Marco McClean
You are very hot, would you like to have sex with me?
Du er meget het , vil du har lyst til ha kjønn med meg?
You're a lot of called , do you like to have gender along with my?