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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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It isn`t premarital fucking if you have no intention of getting married.
« Swedish »
Den isn`t premarital fucking om du har nej avsikt med får gift.
The isn`t premarital fucking if you have nos intention of sheep poison.
Forget health clinics and gyms. Sex is the best cure. One good night of sex and your problems are gone.
« Welsh »
Anghofia hiachâd feddygfeydd a gyms. Hystlen ydy 'r enilla feddyginiaetha. Hun da nos chan hystlen a 'ch broblemau ydy cerddedig.
I forget health clinics I go gyms. Sex he is being ' group I win I cure. Self good night with sex I go ' dogs problems he is being walked.
Do you have the money now or do you need to bring it tomorrow?
« Korean »
당신은 돈이 지금 있는가 또는 당신은 그것을 내일 가져올 필요가 있는가?
You is the money now or you does have the necessity which will bring it tomorrow?
I've attached a copy of our bank statement and the reports that sage prints out.
« Italian »
I' la VE ha attaccato una copia della nostra dichiarazione di banca e dei rapporti che la salvia stampa.
I' the VE has attacked a copy of our declaration of bank and the relationships that the salvia it prints.
give me a word, any word and I show you how the root of that word, is Greek.
« Greek »
μου δώστε μια λέξη, οποιαδήποτε λέξη και σας παρουσιάζω πώς η ρίζα εκείνης της λέξης, είναι ελληνικά.
you give me a word, any word and to you I present how the root of that word, they are Greek.
how big is your donkey
« French »
combien grand est votre âne
how much large is your ass
that would be an ecumenical matter
« Japanese »
That is general problem
by anon
« Japanese »
Sexual intercourse
by anon
Yo dawg i heard you like dogs so i put a dog in your dog so you can pet your pet while you pet your pet.
« German »
Yo dawg, das ich hörte, dass Sie Hunde mögen, also ich einen Hund in Ihren Hund einsetze, also Sie pet Ihr Haustier können, während Sie Ihr Haustier pet.
Yo dawg, which I heard that you like dogs, thus I a dog into your dog begin, thus you pet your domestic animal to be able, while you your domestic animal pet.
Come with me And you'll be In a world of Pure imagination Take a look And you'll see Into your imagination
« Welsh »
D chen A 'ch ll bod Mewn byd chan 'n anllygredig darfelydd Chymer drem A 'ch ll canfod I mewn i 'ch darfelydd
Heartburn with I Go ' dogs ll be In world with ' heartburn incorrupt imagination He Takes sight I Go ' dogs ll see Into ' dogs imagination
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