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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
What if were you hanging up on this wall? If it were you and that sandwich you wouldn't be laughing at all!
« Japanese »
何をこの壁で掛けていたか。 それがあなたおよびそのサンドイッチwouldn' tは全然笑っている!
What was applied in this wall? That you and its sandwich wouldn' You laugh t at all!
Give me back that filet-o-fish! Give me that fish!
« Japanese »
私にその肉付けo魚を与えなさい! 私にその魚を与えなさい!
Give that fleshing out o fish to me! Give that fish to me!
This is just a tribute! You gotta believe me! And I wish you were there! Just a matter of opinion. Ah, fuck! Good God, God lovin', So surprised to find you can't stop it.
« Japanese »
これはちょうど捧げ物である! 私を信じることを得た! そして私はそこにいたことを望む! ちょうど見解上の問題。 ああ、性交! よい神、神lovin' 、 従ってcan'見つけることを驚いた; t停止それ。
It lifts up this exactly and it is the thing! The fact that I am believed was obtained! And I desire the fact that there it is! Exactly problem with respect to opinion. Well, sexual intercourse! Good God and God lovin' Therefore can& The #039 finding you were surprised; t stop that.
« German »
child dead song
Go to hell
« Chinese (traditional) »
Captain Jean-Luc Picard USS Enterprise
« Swedish »
Kapten Jeans Luc Picard OSS Företagen
Captain Jeans Luc Picard OURSELVES Enterprise
Captain Jean-Luc Picard USS Enterprise
« Spanish »
Capitán Jean-Lucas Picard USS Enterprise
Captain Jean-Lucas Picard USS Enterprise
Go to hell.
« Korean »
나가 뒈져라.
Go out and drop dead.
by CDiFan237
The Legend of Thunder
« Greek »
Ο μύθος της βροντής
The fable of thunder
by Nectaria
I am the best person in the universe
« Japanese »
I am the person whose outer space is best
Nice shirts like you!