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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
this is so derpy
« Turkish »
bu bkz. be öylesine derpy
this bkz. hi so derpy
When I walk on by, girls be looking like, "Damn he fly!"
« Chinese (traditional) »
當我走时,女孩看起來, " 他飞行的該死的! "
When I am in luck, the girl looks like, " He flies should die! "
by B. X.
Hey, if you're going to hit me, at least hit me harder than last time, you fucking pussy!
« Chinese (traditional) »
嘿,如果you' 再去艱苦擊中我,至少命中我比上次,您與性交的貓!
Hey, if you' Goes to hit me difficultly again, hits I to compare at least previous time, you and sexual intercourse's cat!
Hey, if you're going to hit me, at least hit me harder than last time, you fucking pussy!
« French »
Hé, si you' ; aller re me frapper, au moins coup je plus durement la fois que passée, vous foutu chat !
He, if you& #039; to go Re me to strike, at least blow I hard the time than passed, you foutu cat!
I want to take you out for a nice day
« Danish »
JEG ville gerne holde jer ud nemlig en hyggelig dag
I ville gladly subscribe you forth that is to say a homelike day
What are we going to eat tomorrow for dinner?
« Japanese »
We tomorrow eat what because of dinner, it has gone?
i smoke a lot of weed, every week
« French »
je fume beaucoup de herbe, chaque semaine
I smoke much of grass, each week
by Az
Graduation party
« Norwegian »
Gradindeling parti
Gradindeling consignment
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
« Japanese »
愚かか。 衝撃を与えることか。 深遠か。 それを投票するためにスマイリーマークをかちりと鳴らしなさい!
Foolishness? Giving impact? Profundity? That the dust sound the smilly mark in order to vote!
by D58
I have a rubber chicken named Mr. Taco
« Japanese »
The person there is a Taco rubber make chicken which is shown in me
Nice shirts like you!