are we there yet?
우리는 거기 아직 인가?
We that place still authorization?
butt pirate, plundering the seas for booty
The bat pirate who plunders the sea for profit
by Courtney
Your father was a hamster, and your mother smelled of elderberries
당신의 아버지는 햄스터 및 양딱총나무의 열매의 냄새난 당신의 어머니이었다
Your father was ham [su] and the smell difficulty your mother of the fruit of the sheep elders
I think I have a habit of rubbing myself against cactus trees. will you make love to me?
私は私が摩擦の習慣を自分自身サボテンの木に対して有することを考える。 私に愛を作るか。
I think of that I possess the habit of friction vis-a-vis the wood of my own cactus. Is love made in me?
by Morgiebear
Thou Shall not kill
Sententia Vadum non iuguolo
Sentiment Ford not to cut the throat
Here are some sexual references.
Itt van némely nemi utalások.
Here is some genital referrals.
by Pirka
big dick little dick hard and soft :)
stór tittlingur lítill tittlingur harður og mjúkur :)
big prick small prick stringent and soft :)
let there be rock!
lasciato ci è roccia!
left there is cliff!
by Drew
wow. that trash's got moves
와우. 그 trash' s는 움직임을 얻었다
Snail. The trash' s got moving,
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy...
은하에 자동차 편승자 가이드…
In galaxy automobile riding person guide…