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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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totalno ste fulali
« Croatian »
ukupan ste fulali
total ste foulard
ko ovo prevodi
« Croatian »
ko ovo imati prevagu
ko this prevail
moš si mislit
« Croatian »
moš si zametnuti
moš them mislay
I fucked myself in ass
« Croatian »
JA jeben ja osobno in magarac
I bloody myself in jackass
I shit myself
« Korean »
I는 나 자신 똥눴다
I evacuated my oneself excrements
love me too
« Croatian »
hatar mene previše
love myself More than enough
i m pretty
« Spanish »
i m bonito
i m tuna
slapping a cock on a face is very satisfying
« Greek »
ένας κόκκορας σε ένα πρόσωπο είναι πολύ ικανοποιώντας
a cock in a person is very satisfying
once I tucked an egg into my poo pipe. it was quite exciting but I should probably have cooked and shelled it first. messy.
« French »
une fois que je rempliais un oeuf dans ma pipe de poo. elle était tout à fait passionnante mais je devrais l'avoir faite cuire et écossée probablement d'abord. malpropre.
once I rempliais an egg in my pipe of poo. it was completely enthralling but I would owe l' to have made cook and have shelled probably d' access. swine.
The first foreign word Mr. Bandic ever learned was "kaj".
« Croatian »
najprije stran riječ Gospodin. Razbojnik ikada učen je kaj ".
first strange a word Mr. Bandit once literary had what ".
by memyself
Nice shirts like you!