My humps
« Japanese »
My lump
Everything I do, I do it for you
« Japanese »
That because of you I do me entirely
I was walking on the water when I saw a crocodile
He had daisies in his hat so I stopped him for a while
나가 그래서 나가 그를 잠시 동안 멈췄다 그는 그의
모자안에 데이지가 있은 악어를 볼 때 나는 근해에
걷고 있었다
It will go out and and and during wrong short time him which it stops
when day price of land seeing the crocodile which is inside his hat, I
was walking in the adjacent waters
I fucking hate. You are an emo bastard. Go back to the shit-hole from whence you came.
« Japanese »
I very hatred. It is the coarse item of emo. Whence which comes it is
every わ the empty go into the hole.
taste me tonight because i am wetter than a fish
Because I have gotten wet from the fish, tonight taste me
by Angela
You can suck my pathetic little dick.
Jer kunne amme mig patetisk kun lidt dick.
You could suckle me passionate little dick.
What the frak, kid?
kakšen frak , nesmisel?
what kind of spiketail , without rime or reason?
by Pirka
its way to hot
dens vei å het
her autobahn to called
kinjo is a dueche and sacred magick charges for works they do not own
« Spanish »
kinjo is dueche and magick sacred load for the works that they do not