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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Charlie Daniels plays a mean fiddle, and Elmer Fudd has trouble with the letter R.
« Japanese »
チャーリーDanielsは中間の止め枠をし、Elmer Fuddに手紙R.との悩みがある。
[chiyari] Daniels does the fiddle of center, is trouble of letter R. in Elmer Fudd.
I am going to buy a dump truck for my mother
« Portuguese »
Eu estou indo comprar um caminhão de descarga para minha mãe
I am going to buy a truck of discharge for my mother
А нахер это все?
« Russian »
To [anakheretovse]?
« Welsh »
banadl, fanadl, hysgubau, hysgubellau, manadl
by Aeronic
i am watching star trek from first episode
« Croatian »
ja sam promatranje zvijezda onaj koji putuje from najprije epizoda
I am a surveillance star trekker from first page
by Hrvat
snoop doggy dog
« Chinese (traditional) »
Pryer puppy dog
with great power comes great responsibility
« Croatian »
sa velik Power PC dogoditi se velik odgovornost
from an large Power PC happen large liableness
Me puedes hacer una taza de chocolate con leche?
« Latin »
Mihi puedes hacer una taza de chocolate con leche?
Me puedes hacer in one taza about chocolate con leche?
Google is very famous a searching engine
« Hungarian »
Google van igazi híres egy kereső motor
Google there is real famous one searcher motor
Fuck bitches, get money.
« Danish »
Fuck beklagelse , blive penge.
Fuck regret , become bread.
Nice shirts like you!