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feck arse girls
« Italian »
ragazze del culo di feck
girls of the culo of feck
by Sorcha
you lit the sky with a million tiny stars
« Korean »
백만개의 작은 별을 가진 하늘이 당신에 의하여 점화했다
1,000,000 the sky which has the small star in compliance with you ignited
by Sorcha
i don't want to be without you girl
« Korean »
I don' t는 소녀 당신 없이이고 싶다
I don' t wants young girl you without and
by Sorcha
you are so hilarious you motherfucker
« Korean »
당신은 아주 들뜨다 당신 motherfucker
You you motherfucker who come off quite
by Sorcha
hey angel you the sexy
« Korean »
어이 천사 당신 섹시한 것
Hollo angel your sexy had to do,
hey sexy
« Korean »
어이 섹시한
Hollo sexy grudge
by Sorcha
You are the coolest guy ever
« Korean »
당신은 이제까지 가장 차가운 녀석이다
You the until now are coldest guy
by Sorcha
Her hand groped my pants until she found my rigid thing. Her fingers eagerly worked my shaft right through the fabric.
« Korean »
그녀의 손은 그녀가 나의 엄밀한 것을 찾아낼 때까지 나의 바지를 더듬어 찾았다. 직물을 통해서 나의 갱구 권리가 그녀의 손가락에 의하여 열망하 작동되었다.
Her hand sought the fact that she is strict and when the pants and until, groped sought. The textile goods led and pithead right in compliance with her finger under desiring eagerly was operated.
by Kevin Kim
I know what you're thinking. "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?
« Russian »
Я знаю какое you' думать re. " Он сгорел 6 съемок или только 5? " Наилучшим образом, сказать вам правду, в полностью этом ободрении я себя вроде потерял след. Но был по мере того как это .44 большой винной бутылки, самое мощное личное огнестрельное оружие в мире, и дунуло бы ваше головное очистьте, you' получили, что спросил ve один вопрос: Я чувствую удачливейшим? Наилучшим образом, делает ya, панк?
I know what you' to think re. " It did burn 6 surveys or only 5? " In the best way, to say to you truth, in completely this encouragement I itself like lost track but was in proportion to this .44 large wine bottles, the most powerful personal firearms in the world, and would blow your head clean, you' they obtained that asked ve one question: I do feel luckiest? In the best way, does make ya, [pank]?
by Fin
Go ahead. Make my day.
« Norwegian »
Grønt lys. Lage meg dag.
Go ahead. Brew my day.
Nice shirts like you!