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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Would you like to come to my party and hang out with me and my mates?
« Norwegian »
Vil du har lyst til komme til meg parti og hold ut med meg og meg make?
Do you like to accessing my consignment and hang out along with my and my make?
by Rachel Benn
Would you like to come to my party and hang out with me and my mates?
« Romanian » la will tu asemănător a veni la spre meu petrecere şi pieliţă afară cu eu şi meu mates?
Would you like come at at my carnival and hangnail out with me and my mates?
by Rachel Benn
Guys, Professor Dumbledore just put up a list of naughty words that are banned from Hogwarts. I didn't know wizards had swears.
« Latin »
Guys , Magister Dumbledore iustus loco sursum a album of naughty lacuna ut es vexillum ex Hogwarts. EGO didn't teneo veneficus had sudo.
Guys , Instructor Dumbledore just to place upwards a writing tablet of naughty a hole when are flag out of Hogwarts. I didn't to occupy poisonous fueram to toil.
by Rachel Benn
We should tie the strings of marriage so I can tie you to my bed.
« Romanian »
Noi voi cravată fibros de căsătorie so I a putea cravată tu la spre meu pat.
We should necktie the. stringy from marriage so I can necktie you at at my butt.
Who will be my wife?
« Slovenian »
kdo hoteti obstati svoj žena?
whom do you take me for yammer to stop your women?
by Rachel Benn
You'd better watch out. You'd better not cry. You'd better not pout. I'm telling you why. Santa Clause is coming to town.
« Finnish »
You'd vedonlyöjä katsella rikki. You'd vedonlyöjä ei huudahtaa. You'd vedonlyöjä ei nyrpeä ilme. I'm tehokas te hän. Gravel Ehto on johtuen jotta kaupunki.
You'd better watch out. You'd better no cry. You'd better no pout. I'm efficacious you anythbly. Santa Provision is coming to town.
by Rachel Benn
He sees you when you're sleeping. He knows when you're awake. He knows if you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake!
« Danish »
Han ser jer hvor du er ligge. Han kende hvor du er vågen. Han kende selv om du har blevet skadelig eller artig , altså gavne godhed sake!
He notices you where you are come. He recognize where you are alert. He recognize even though you've been poisonous or sizeable , consequently be good for goodness sake!
by Rachel Benn
He's making a list, checking it twice. Gotta find out who's naughty and nice. Santa Clause is coming to town.
« Czech »
He's délání jeden barevný pruh , kolace ono dvakrát. Gotta objevit who's nezbedný a příjemný. Santa Bod smlouvy is humoristický až k hlavní město.
He's making a stripe , typographical description yon twice. Gotta start-up who's naughty plus sweet. Santa Clause is comic to town.
by Rachel Benn
You'd better watch out. You'd better not cry. You'd better not pout. I'm telling you why. Santa Clause is coming to town.
« Croatian »
You'd bolji bdjeti vanjska strana. You'd bolji ne krič. You'd bolji ne naziv za razne vrste riba. I'm reći te zašto. Santa Rečenica je dolazak to grad.
You'd ultra watch surface. You'd ultra does not cry. You'd ultra does not pout. I'm to tell these why does. Santa Sentence had come in this cities.
by Rachel Benn
You'd better watch out. You'd better not cry. You'd better not pout. I'm telling you why. Santa Clause is coming to town.
« Hungarian »
You'd jobb figyelj. You'd jobb nem kiáltás. You'd jobb nem tőkehal. I'm hatásos ön miért. Szent Záradék van jövő -hoz város.
You'd the right listen. You'd the right not cry. You'd the right not gadoid. I'm effective your are why. Santa Colophon there is future yield urban.
by Rachel Benn
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