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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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i held her in my arms till dawn broke the sky
« Swedish »
jag höll henne i min vapen odla gryning pank himmelen
self held hers in my time weapon till dawn hardship blue
i am your number one fan
« Czech »
já am tvůj vlastní já fanda
self am yours self mustard
the plate
« Japanese »
by Sarah
hey, whats up?!
« Japanese »
A certain something, just a little?!
by Sarah
my name is sarah
« Japanese »
My name is the plate
by Sarah
I wanna be the very best like no one ever was to catch them is my real test to train them is my cause
« Latin »
EGO wanna exsisto valde optimus amo nemo umquam eram ut reprehendo lemma est meus verus expertus exerceo lemma est meus causa
I wanna to emerge intensely best to love no one ever was when to blame theme is my true to try to train theme is my case at law
I think I have a habit of rubbing myself against cactus trees. will you make love to me?
« Japanese »
私は私が摩擦の習慣を自分自身サボテンの木に対して有することを考える。 私に愛を作るか。
I think of that I possess the habit of friction vis-a-vis the wood of my own cactus. Is love made in me?
by Morgiebear
yeah little mama you looking good, i see you want to play with a player from the hood
« Japanese »
Obtaining you obtain and I who the small mother carefully am seen observe at that we would like to play with the player from the hood,
Damn you are a sexy chick
« Chinese (simplified) »
Should die you are a sexy chicken
by Your Mother
You know what? You are just a silly pumpkin that is always eating my soda. You can go suck my non-existent penis!
« Italian »
Conoscete che cosa? Siete appena una zucca sciocca che sta mangiando sempre la mia soda. Potete andare succhiate il mio pene inesistente!
You know what? You are hardly a zucca foolish that is always eating my hard one. You can go sucked nonexistent mine pains!
by Your Mother
Nice shirts like you!