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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
I think I just shit myself.
« Korean »
나는I정당한 배설물 나 자신을 생각한다.
I the I think the human waste or oneself who is legitimate.
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
« Spanish »
¿Tonto? ¿El dar una sacudida eléctrica? ¿Profundo? ¡Chasque el smiley para votarlo para arriba!
Idiot? Giving an electrical shock? Deep? Chasque the smiley to vote it for above!
is that a rocket in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
« Danish »
er at en raket i jeres hul eller er du netop lykkelig over at se efter mig?
is that a rocket to yours perforation or are you precisely delighted that look for me?
I love you with all my being!
« Japanese »
I love the fact that it has all me!
Payback is a bitch.
« Japanese »
Principal collection is the female dog.
Chuck Norris was the fourth wise man, who gave baby Jesus the gift of beard, which he carried with him until he died. The other three wise men were enraged by the preference that Jesus showed to Chuck's gift, and arranged to have him written out of the bible. All three died soon after of mysterious roundhouse-kick related injuries.
« Korean »
물림쇠Norris은 아기 예수에게 그가 죽을 까지 그가 그와 나른, 수염의 선물을 준 제 4 현명한 사람 이었다. 다른 3명의 현명한 사람은 예수가 물림쇠 선물에게 보인 특혜에의해 격노하게 하고, 그에게 성경의 다 써버려 달라고 하 도록 배열되었다. 모든 3개은 신비했던의 빨리 후에 원형 기관차고 걷어찬다 관계있는 상해를 죽었다.
Staple Norris he will die until him with him carries in baby Jesus, 4th he gives the futures of the beard it was a person who is wise. The person who different 3 people is wise did to rage Jesus by the preference which is visible in the staple futures, the bible it threw away all bitterly in him and it requested and the low atlas it was arranged. All 3 things mystery it did quickly after the circular locomotive, died the injury which is the relationship which kicks hard.
I want you so bad!
« Korean »
나는 나쁜 너를 이렇게 원한다!
Me it will be bad and it will be extensive and it wants like this!
Ich möchte Sex mit Dir
« Japanese »
Ich empfange die Eigenschaft, in der Sie angebracht worden sind
Willst Du etwas trinken?
« Korean »
너는 무언가를 마시고는가 싶는가?
Die Ruhe, die heraus es sich aufspaltet, um oben zu rollen verbreitet und das Blutgeschwür tut Sip?
I must have died and gone to heaven, because you look like an angel.
« Dutch »
Ik moet naar hemel gestorven zijn en gaan, omdat u als een engel kijkt.
I must to sky died be and go, because you if an angel looks at.
Nice shirts like you!