pohlaví, sexuálnost, rod
sex , sex , kin
My girlfriend said to me, you are a pervert! I said, thats a big word for a girl of nine.
私のガールフレンドは私のにである変質者言った! 私は、それである9の女の子のための大きい単語言った。
Although as for my girl friend me the pervert who is you said! I said for the girl of 9 where that it is large word.
by Q77
I am a walrus.
« Chinese (traditional) »
by Rollins
Japaneses have big cocks.
The male which is large to Japaneses it is there is a chicken.
too drunk to fuck
quoque madidus ut fuck
also wet when fuck
vai tomar no cu
is goes sumo in cu
isto vai tomar em cima do cu
how many ways can you count to ten? i can count an unlimited number of ways!
quot mores can vos duco excolo? ego can duco an infinitus numerus of mores!
how many morium can you to lead on the march to honor? I can to lead on the march or unlimited total of morium!
English to Japanese and back again. See what is lost or gained in translation.
英語から日本語および背部再度。 失われるか、または得られるものが翻訳で見なさい。
Japanese and the back section for the second time from English. It is lost, or or those which are obtained see with translation.
Japan is a peaceful country. It has never invaded any other country. And Nanking massacre never happened.
日本は平和な国である。 それは決してずっと他のどの国にも侵入していない。 そして南京の大虐殺は決して起こらなかった。
Japan peace is the country. That never directly does not invade other every country. And the holocaust of Nanjing did not happen under any condition.
Honk if you love justice!
When justice is loved, sound the alarm!