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All hell break loose !
« Icelandic »
Allur helvíti brot laus!
Total inferno fracture loose!
by Renaldi
All hell break loose !
« Romanian »
Tot iad gustare de dimineaþã slab!
All hell breakfast loose!
by Renaldi
All hell break loose !
« Slovenian »
vsi hudièa zlom svoboden!
young and old hell snap voluntarily!
by Renaldi
All hell break loose !
« Dutch »
Al losse helonderbreking!
Already loose tending discontinuance!
by Renaldi
All hell break loose !
« Russian »
Весь пролом ада освобождает!
Entire breach of hell frees!
by Renaldi
All hell break loose !
« Latin »
Totus abyssus effrego puter!
Whole hell break rotten!
by Renaldi
I tawt I taw a puddy tat ! (Tweety)
« Norwegian »
JEG tawt JEG kule en puddy tat! (Tweety)
I tawt I ball a powder tat! (Tweety)
by Renaldi
I want a Jolly Abra! :(
« Korean »
나는 유쾌한 Abra를 원한다! : (
I want Abra where is pleasant! where : (
by Nyktos
I have 999 Master Balls.
« Korean »
나는 999의 주된 공이 있다.
I is two 999 is principal.
by Nyktos
Inkys are cute.
« Croatian »
Crn jesu oštrouman.
Umbrageous are long-headed.
by Pirka
Nice shirts like you!