Conkers bad fur day
The fur day whose Conkers is bad
by CDiFan237
where are the prostitutes?
« Chinese (traditional) »
In where prostitute?
by Rick
you are very pretty
It is very clean
I liked baked beans when I was a child, but now I am older, I much prefer sausages.
I me was the child, but it is old from now, I the bean which is baked the sausage which is liked greatly the time was liked.
by Jamie
Forget the kissing and go straight to fucking, bitch.
Oubliez les baisers et allez directement à baiser, chienne.
Forget the kisses and go directly to kissing, bitch.
Okay, so today I ate a cheeseburger. It was a very delectable cheeseburger. It made my tastebuds tingle
わかりました、そう今日私はチーズバーガーを食べた。 それは非常に素晴しいチーズバーガーだった。 それは私の味覚芽のうずきを作った
It was understood, so present I ate [chizubaga]. That was element clear forcing [chizubaga] very. That made the eddy coming of my taste bud
by Chizubaga
Where is your rooster, Buck?
Où est votre coq, mâle ?
Where is your cock, male?
by Hurrai
Suck my cock bitch
Suck meu carlingă bitch
Suck my cockpit bitch
That girl has a pussycat; it is cute.
Cette fille a un minou ; il est mignon.
This girl has a pussy; it is nice.
by Hurrai
One one was a race horse
Two two was one too
One one won one race
Two two won one too
Un uno era un cavallo di corsa due che due erano uno anche
Un uno ha vinto una corsa due che due hanno vinto uno anche
An era a horse of race two that two were also one has gained a race two that two have won also