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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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The United States has elected its first black President.
« Filipino »
ang papag-isahin estadista may ihalal kanya pangunang lunas itimin pangulo.
the pope - singular statesman have vote its first aid black president.
The book is on the Table
« Portuguese »
O livro está na tabela
The book is in the table
I have a giant penis.
« Czech »
JÁ mít jeden obr pyj.
SELF hold a troll phallus.
will you come see me play tonight?
« Latin »
mos vos adveho animadverto mihi lascivio tonight?
will you to carry notice me to run riot tonight?
by Joe
Woman are the craziest creatures on the planet.
« Japanese »
The woman is creative ones of insanity of the planet.
by ashes
reggae music
« Chinese (simplified) »
The thunder ghost swings the happy music
by Dre
I enjoy the company of women.
« Czech »
J� b�t ��asten �len ur�it� host� of �eny.
SELF enjoy the visiting team of women.
god helps those who help themselves
« Chinese (traditional) »
The self-service day helps
by andrew
i am tired
« Japanese »
I am tired
by nate
I enjoy the company of women.
« Welsh »
Fedda 'r chwmni chan benywod.
I say {to } ' group company with females.
Nice shirts like you!