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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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some people juggle geese
« Chinese (simplified) »
Certain people play the vaudeville goose
I have an itchy ass crack.
« Japanese »
There is a crack of the itchy donkey in me.
I can't believe it's not butter!
« Slovenian »
ne morem vernik it's ne maslo!
I can't confessor it's thingummy butter!
To be, or not to be: that is the question:
« Korean »
이고기 위하여, 또는: 그것은 질문이다:
This meat in order, or: It is question:
One massive cockup after another.
« Norwegian »
Ettall svær hannfuglen etter det andre.
One husky hannfuglen after another.
Who let the dogs out?
« Chinese (simplified) »
Who bleeds off the dog?
I don't think you're ready for this jelly.
« Icelandic »
ÉG don't hugsa you're tilbúinn fyrir this hlaup.
I don't think you're ready pay lip service to this running.
Believe in me who believes in you
« Chinese (traditional) »
Trust your I
Hit me, Baby, one more time.
« Danish »
Slå mig , Baby , nok en gang.
Whang me , Baby , another walk.
Hit me, Baby, one more time.
« Icelandic »
Högg mig , Barn , einn fleiri tími.
Blow myself Barn , single further while.
Nice shirts like you!