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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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It's a trap!
« Korean »
함정 이다!
It is a warships,!
Up your nose with a rubber hose.
« Icelandic »
Upp þinn nef með a gúmmí vatnsslanga.
Devise thy nose with a rubber hosepipe.
For the benefit of Mr. Kite, there will be a show tonight on trampoline
« French »
Au profit de M. Kite, il y aura une exposition ce soir sur le trempoline
With the profit of Mr. Kite, there will be an exposure this evening on the trempoline
I have two fish and would love to have some chips to go with it.
« Dutch »
Ik heb twee vissen en zou houden van sommige spaanders te hebben om met het te gaan.
I and would love two fish some spaanders to have to go with.
I was abducted by aliens and probed anally.
« Japanese »
I was kidnapped by the foreigner, was inspected strictly in the anus.
Till then, tramps like us, baby we were born to run
« Icelandic »
Peningaskúffa þá , flækingur eins og okkur , barn við varúlfur fæddur til hlaupa
Till then , wandering as though us barn accustom werewolf natural-born to run
It's a death trap, it's a suicide rap.
« Czech »
It's jeden krveprolití dvojkolka it's jeden sebevražda kecat.
It's a massacre trap it's a suicide waffle.
Life is full of possibilities
« Czech »
Duch is mandlovat of možnost
Wraith is mangled of vantage
by Rodolfo Castrezana
What is your name?
« Portuguese »
Que é seu nome?
What is its name?
Please refrain from molesting my hamster
« Dutch »
Zich gelieve te onthouden van het lastig vallen van mijn hamster
Please to remember itself of cumbersome falling my hamster
Nice shirts like you!