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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
Oh, snap!
« Spanish »
¡Oh, broche de presión!
Oh, clasp of pressure!
it's clobbering time!
« Japanese »
it' sの容赦なく打つ時間!
it' The time when it strikes without the pardon of s!
by Jeremy
I think this bread is a little stale. Get me a new loaf.
« Korean »
나는 이 빵이 조금 부패한ㄴ다고생각한다. 저에게 새로운 덩어리를 얻으십시오.
I do this bread a little corrupted suffering each is. Get the new lump in me.
Maybe you should reconsider your position before you accuse me again.
« Korean »
어쩌면 당신은 당신이 저를 다시 고소하기 전에 당신의 위치를 재고해야 한다.
Possibly, you this me of you before again being tasty must reconsider your location.
There is no sex in the champagne room.
« Slovenian »
je ne spol v sekt soba.
there is thingummy sex within sack room.
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
« Chinese (simplified) »
Nobody anticipated that Spain investigates!
Dyslexics of the world, untie!
« Japanese »
The difficult reading condition person of the world is unraveled!
by GaMeS
Get behind thee Satan
« Korean »
thee Satan의 뒤에 얻으십시오
thee get on rear of Satan
Happy Thanksgiving!
« Welsh »
'n ddedwydd Ddiolch!
' heartburn happy Thank!
Love me two times baby. Love me twice today.
« Japanese »
私を2回の赤ん坊愛しなさい。 私を今日二度愛しなさい。
The baby of 2 times do me dearly. Two degrees in today do me dearly.
Nice shirts like you!