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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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I have explosive diarrhea. Where is the nearest lavatory?
« Slovenian »
imam eksploziven driska. kraj je pobliže stranišèe?
I have plosive loosseness of the bowels. whence there is nearer washroom?
Would you like to go to dance with me?
« Icelandic »
Vildi þú eins og til hátta dans með mig?
Would you as though to undress dance with myself?
Would you like to dance with me?
« Swedish »
Skulle du lik till dansa med jag?
Would you like to dance with self?
no smoke without the fire
« Finnish »
ei höyrytä ilman ampua
no smoke exclusive plug
While Indian army commandos battled gunmen who launched the coordinated attacks on luxury hotels and other targets in India's financial hub, European governments were reportedly making plans to evacuate their nationals.
« Icelandic »
Á meðan Indverji her orrusta byssubófi hver sjósetja the hliðstæða árás á lúxus hótel og annar skotmark í Indland fjárhagslegur hjólnöf , Evrópubúi ríkisstjórn varúlfur að því er fréttir herma gerð áætlun til flytja á brott þeirra þjóðlegur.
Meanwhile Indian army battle gunman who launch the parallel attack river luxury hotel and allo- target into India pecuniary nave , European government werewolf snuggle up to accordingly is newscast ape version plan to bring off them national.
Britain’s most high profile Asian businessman had booked a table at the restaurant but at the last minute he felt slightly ill
« Japanese »
The Asian businessman of topic of the English home country reserved the table at the restaurant, but becoming the place of execution, he barely was moved by the sickness
how are you doing I haven't seen you in years
« Icelandic »
hvernig ert þú aðgerð ÉG hæli seen þú í ár
how art you operation I asylum seen you into year
my name is henri. i am a black cat i live a life of luxury my caretakers love me but i am empty my filtered water tastes impure i rarely purr my chicken and giblets have begun to taste exactly like my whitefish and tuna in gravy it's all the same i am free i am imprisoned my thumbs are not opposable yet i oppose everything i make new friends but i seldom keep them it seems i was made to suffer and why not? aren't we all? the monkey mocks me with every flip i am lost everywhere i am scorned i am like a pendulum that does not swing if my tail wags it is a reflex action nothing more i am haunted i am henri
« French »
mon nom est Henri. je suis un chat noir je vis une vie de luxe mes gardiens m'aiment mais je suis vide mon eau filtrée goûte impure je ronronne rarement mon poulet et abattis ont commencé à goûter exactement comme mon poisson à chair blanche et thon en sauce au jus it' ; s tous les mêmes je suis libre je suis emprisonné mes pouces ne sont pas opposables pourtant je m'oppose à tout je fais de nouveaux amis mais je les garde rarement il semble que j'ai été incité pour souffrir et pourquoi pas ? aren' ; t nous tous ? le singe me raille avec chaque chiquenaude je suis perdu je suis dédaigné partout je suis comme un pendule qui ne balance pas si ma queue remue c'est une action réflexe rien plus je suis hanté je suis Henri
my name is Henri. I am a black cat I live a life of luxury my guards m' like but I am empty my filtered water tastes impure I seldom hum my chicken and meat offals started to taste exactly like my fish with white flesh and sauce tuna with the juice it' S all the same ones I am free I am imprisoned my inches are not opposable however I m' oppose to all I make new friends but I seldom keep them it seems that j' was incited to suffer and why not? aren' T us all? the monkey scoffs me with each flick I am lost I am scorned everywhere I am as a pendulum which does not balance if my prick stirs up c' is an action reflex nothing more I am haunted I am Henri
by Henri meaow
This Thanksgiving, I suggest that each of us spend some time reflecting on those around us who are giving something for the benefit of humanity – and thank them for what they are giving.
« Japanese »
This Thanksgiving Day, I each us in those - giving what humanity because, propose that the time when it reflects around us who in those which have been given appreciate in those is used.
by michael mckee
sally and harry sat on a stool
« Chinese (simplified) »
Breaks through and plundering sits the stool
by Dave
Nice shirts like you!