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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
She's my best friend's girl.
« Icelandic »
She's minn bestur vinur stúlka.
She's my best amigo difficulties.
What would you do if I sang out of tune? Would you stand up and walk out on me?
« Korean »
당신은 무엇을 나가 곡에서 노래한 경우에 할는가? 당신은 서고 저에 밖으로 걸을는가 것입니다?
You will go out what and song grudge will do in case from music? You stand and in me will walk is the thing at the outside?
by Corn Flaake
Where have all the good times gone?
« Korean »
모든 좋은 시간은 어디로 갔는가?
All did the good time go with where?
by Corn Flaake
blubbering idiot
« Serbian »
salo idiot
fat natural
Weil wir so sexy sind!
« Korean »
섹시한이십시오 우리가 좋아하기 때문에!
Reizvolle Missgunst ist, damit wir mögen!
Weil wir so sexy sind!
« Spanish »
¡Porque tenemos gusto que atractivo sea!
Weil wir Geschmack haben, der attraktiv ist!
marital infidelity
« Filipino »
kawal ng hukbong-dagat kataksilan
soldier of military - sea treachery
marital infidelity
« Welsh »
marital anffyddiaeth
harden oneself infidelity
slap shot
« Latin »
plaga offa
plague lump
slap shot
« Slovenian »
plosk strel
splosh sling
Nice shirts like you!