A frog, he would a-wooing go.
« Chinese (traditional) »
The frog, he will woo.
You are a day late and a dollar short.
Usted es un día tarde y un cortocircuito del dólar.
You are a day behind schedule and a short circuit of the dollar.
Hoje é festa lá no meu apê, pode aparecer, vai rolar bundalelê
danes apĂŞ je stranka prislon v rudnik , moči pokazati se goes v žemlja bundalelĂŞ
hoje o apĂŞ lá é parte traseira do partido dentro de meus, para sentir até o unvell vai dentro do bundalelĂŞ do rolo
by Evy
WTF ROLFL, OMG you r there!
WTF ROLFL and r OMG over there!
the internet is a series of tubes
Internet is een reeks buizen
Internet is a range fails
Where the fuck is the remote control?
Qua fuck est longinquus imperium?
By which route fuck is remote sovereignty?
don t talk to strangers
Arrival do the story of t to others
If Harry Potter's so magical, why cant he cure his own eyesight and get laid. A teenage lad shouldnt need a broomstick to cling onto.
Εάν Harry Potter' το s τόσο μαγικό, γιατί λοξοτομήστε αυτός θεραπεύει την όρασή του και παίρνει τοποθετημένο. Ένας εφηβικός παλληκάρι δεν πρέπει να χρειαστεί ένα σκουπόξυλο για να προσκολληθεί επάνω.
If Harry Potter&? #039 s so much magic, because [loxotomiste] this cures his sight and it takes placed. One adolescent lad should not need a broomstick in order to it is attached above.
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leviculus offensus profundus Click smiley ut suffragium is sursum!
empty-headed offense deep Click smiley when church province this upwards!