its spelled pwn
il relativo pwn ortografato
the relative one pwn ortografato
I will pown you, noobish ally!
I voinþã a voi pown tu noobish ally!
I voinþã want pown you noobish ally!
by 4dahorde
I will pown you, noobish ally!
ako nasain pown ka noobish pumanig!
me will pown you noobish ally!
by 4dahorde
I will pown you, noobish ally!
ÉN akarat pown ön noobish szövetséges!
AM I will pown your are noobish bdominous!
by 4dahorde
I will pown you, noobish ally!
JA htijenje pown te noobish saveznik!
I volition pown these noobish allies!
by 4dahorde
I will pown you, noobish ally!
나는 pown 당신 의 noobish 맹방!
Me pown your noobish allies!
by 4dahorde
I will pown you, noobish ally!
pown voi, alleato del noobish!
pown you, allied of the noobish!
by 4dahorde
We hold these truths to be self evident: that all men are created equal, that they are endwoed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, among these life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
私達は自明であるためにこれらの真実を保持する: すべての人は作成された同輩、それ彼らであることこれらのの中のある特定の譲渡できない権利の彼らの創作者によって、幸福の生命、自由および追求endwoed。
We keep these truths because it is self-explanatory: All people were drawn up and with their originators of the right not to be able to transfer a certain specification in these of the thing which is the same 輩, that they, the life of happiness, freedom and pursuit endwoed.
We hold these truths to be self evident: that all men are created equal, that they are endwoed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, among these life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Nos habitum illa verum futurus ego perspicuus : ut totus men es partum par , ut they es endwoed per suum sator per certain inalienable vox , inter illa vita , licentia , quod negotium of gaudium.
We to have that truth to be I transparent : when whole men are to bear equal , when they are endwoed very its planter very contest inalienable cry , among that life , license , and employment of joy.
I find your lack of faith disturbing
ako mapulot mo kulangin ng tiwala abalahin
me find your lack of confidence bother