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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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To be or not to be, that is the question.
« Korean »
사느냐 죽느냐, 그것은 질문이다.
And the flag it respects and in order not to be or intelligence, that is question.
Can we get off moms, because I just got off yours.
« Croatian »
Može mi siæi moms , jer JA pravedan je dobio od tvoj.
Can we let fall moms , because I just got with yours.
Can we get off moms, because I just got off yours.
« Norwegian »
Kanne vi stige av moms , fordi JEG rettferdig fikk av din.
Can we dismount turnover tax , as a matter of I a fair way getting at din.
Can we get off moms, because I just got off yours.
« Swedish »
Kanna vi stige av moms , emedan JAG rättvis fik bort din.
Can wes get off value added tax , because SELF just getting away your.
Can we get off moms, because I just got off yours.
« Chinese (simplified) »
Because I obtained you, may we obtain mother.
Can we get off moms, because I just got off yours.
« Korean »
나가 너의 것 떨어져 지금 막 얻었기 때문에, 우리는 엄마 떨어져 얻어서 좋다.
Goes out and your thing falls and because now getting just, we fall and the mom we get.
Your dad masturbates to 2girls1cup
« Japanese »
Your father does masturbation in 2girls1cup
I miss home more than candy!
« Greek »
Χάνω το σπίτι περισσότερο από την καραμέλα!
I lose the house more from the candy!
by Muffin
I am so bored right now
« Chinese (traditional) »
I am, therefore the present is tasteless
i pickle they
« German »
ich lege sie in Essig ein
I insert it into vinegar
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