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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Would you like fries with that?
« Latin »
Would vos amo amicus per ut?
Would you to love male friend very when?
by Juffo
what if a much of a which of a wind gives the truth to summer's lie, bloodies with dizzying leaves the sun and yanks immortal stars awry
« German »
was wenn viel von, das von einem Wind die Wahrheit zu summer' gibt; s-Lüge, bloodies mit dizzying Blättern die Sonne und zieht die unsterblichen schiefen Sterne heftig
which if much of, that of a wind the truth too summer& #039 gives; S-lie, bloodies with dizzying sheets the sun and pulls the unsterblichen inclined stars violently
Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few
« Korean »
인간적인 충돌의 분야 결코에서 순전히 이렇게 몇몇에 이렇게 많은 것에 의해 빚지고있었다
Field of collision which is human purely to be like this some in compliance with the like this many thing from assuredly was getting into debt
Does your uncle really have to watch when we have sex? And, if he does, can he at least leave the carp at home?
« Latin »
Does vestri immunda vere have ut vigilo ut nos have sex? Quod , si is does can is utique licentia carp domi?
Does your unclean truly fui when to be awake when we fui sex? And , if you wish this does can this at any rate license to pluck at home?
by Kilo
I like pie May we fornicate?
« Japanese »
私はパイを好む 私達は密通してもよいか。
As for me as for us who like the pie the denseness it is possible to pass?
by Kilo
Oh shit, I need to go to the bathroom
« Japanese »
Domesticated fowl and animals raw, as for me it is necessary to go into the bathroom
Ein Ring sie zu knechten, sie alle zu finden, in das dunkel zu treiben und ewig zu binden
« Chinese (traditional) »
Der Ring entdeckte es, dass es aller, das Bauernhofangestellte dunkles ewiges schwimmt und fesselt
Fuck, my father is listening!
« Japanese »
My father you hear sexual intercourse!
I possess powerful skills in playing ball
« Latin »
EGO usus validus solers in lascivio ball
I to use mighty ingenious upon to run riot siege engine
by Jeffrey
if you're planning on shoplifting, please let us know
« Filipino »
kung you're planning sa shoplifting , masiyahan pahintulutan sa amin malaman
whether you're planning toward shoplifting , please permit us muscular
Nice shirts like you!