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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Four score and seven years ago our forefathers brought forth, upon this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
« Korean »
자유에서 생각되고, 모든 사람은 평등하게 창조되었다 건의안에 전념한 새로운 국가가, 이 대륙에, 4개의 점수에 의하여 및 7 년은 전에 우리의 조상 생겼다.
Is thought from freedom, all people equally, in the proposition which is created concentrated the new nation, in this continent, in compliance with the score 4 and our ancestor happened on former of 7 years.
Michael Phelps has been suspended from the US swimming team
« Finnish »
Mikael Phelps has riippua polveutua OBJEKTIMUOTO tulvillaan joukkue
Michael Phelps has overhang from THEE swimming team
The cake is a lie!
« Hungarian »
A süti van egy fekszik!
THE cookie you've got a lies!
« Finnish »
nostaa väkivivulla, jätkä, kohdepallo, laivamies, lippu, nostovipu, pukki, raha, sotamies, talja, tunkki, työmies, vintturi, väkivipu, Jussi
jack , jack , jack , jack , banner , jack , trestle , lolly , soldier , tackle , jack , jack , winch , jack , Jack
Why is a bee's hair so sticky? It uses a honeycomb!
« Japanese »
bee'がなぜあるか; 粘着性があるsの毛そうか。 それは蜜蜂の巣を使用する!
bee& Why is there a #039?; The hair of s which is stickiness so? That uses the honey honeycomb!
a moose once bit my sister
« Czech »
jeden los druhdy dát udidlo má sestra
a ticket sometimes bit has sister
yankee doodle went to town
« Croatian »
stanovnik Nove Engleske črčkarija je otišao to grad
Yankee scrawl went this cities
How do i mine for fish?
« Icelandic »
Hvernig gera ég minn fyrir fiskur?
How do I my pay lip service to fishy?
would you like to have sexual intercourse with me?
« Italian »
gradite avermi richieste sessuali con?
appreciate to have to me demanded sexual with?
once I tucked an egg into my poo pipe. it was quite exciting but I should probably have cooked and shelled it first. messy.
« French »
une fois que je rempliais un oeuf dans ma pipe de poo. elle était tout à fait passionnante mais je devrais l'avoir faite cuire et écossée probablement d'abord. malpropre.
once I rempliais an egg in my pipe of poo. it was completely enthralling but I would owe l' to have made cook and have shelled probably d' access. swine.
Nice shirts like you!