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Either you entered too much text or we're really busy. Please Try again!
žalostan Oba te utipkanim u odveć tekst ili we're stvarno zaposlen. Ugoditi Pokušajte ponovo!
tristful Two these entered in too text or we're you really stir-about. Please Try again!
Barack Hussein Obama
n.) Hussein Obama
heartburn Hussein Obama
Suck my cock bitch
vpijanje svoj pokonci postaviti zoprn
suck your erect untowardly
vamos sambar um samba de roda com as mulatas?
Nós vamos à samba e aos mulatas da roda dos cervos vermelhos?
You light up my life.
Te sjaj moj život.
You polish my existence.
by Troy
the norwegian translation is not correct. No wonder it gets strange.
nordmannen oversettelse korrigerer ikke. Ikke så rart det irriterer meg rart.
the Norwegian compilation am not adjusting. No wonder it gets me strange.
To be or, not to be?
That is the question.
Because of a certain or, because it is not?
That is question.
by D58
let us come then you and I, while the evening is spread against the sky...
pustiti nas dogoditi se onda te i Ja , kratak vremenski razmak večer je protezati prema podneblje.
let us happen then these plus I , while dinner had spread versus sky.
by katy
eres mega especial mi vida, te amo
vida especial mega del MI de los eres, te amo
special life mega of MY of you are them, I love you
by eva huerta