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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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if i wash my dick, will you suck it?
« Slovenian »
èe jaz oprati svoj vohun , hoteti vi vpijanje to?
whether yours truly whitewash your spy , yammer you suck this?
if i wash my dick, will you suck it?
« Turkish »
eðer i yýkamak benim yarak , -ecek sen emmek o?
if i wash my twat ecek you suck he?
I'm a mushroom cloud laying motherfucker, motherfucker
« Icelandic »
Myndað af I am a sveppur ský laying motherfucker motherfucker
Alluvial with I am a fungus smother laying motherfucker motherfucker
office of the president elect
« Slovenian »
urad od predsednik izbrati
office with warden vote in
office of the president elect
« Serbian »
usluga nad odreðeni èlan izabrani predsjednik
boon on the chosen chairman
Do not make me angry, you would not like me when I am angry
« Korean »
나가 성나 때 저를 성난, 당신 좋아하지 않을 것입니다 저를 시키지 말라
Goes out and gets angry and time gets angry you will not like I me, to dry,
by Fluf
I love all you can eat Chinese
« Japanese »
As for me everything which you can eat the Chinese is loved
by Fluf
I will have some fish and chips
« Japanese »
There is a fish and a fragment which is I
by Fluf
I will have some fish and chips
« Italian »
Avrò alcuni pesci e circuiti integrati
I will have some fish and integrated circuits
by Fluf
Dom is behind me, playing with a slinky.
« Japanese »
As for Dom there is my rear, it is pliant and you play with elegance.
by A.J.
Nice shirts like you!