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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
We are the borg. Resistance is futile.
« Dutch »
Wij zijn borg. De weerstand is futiel.
We its guarantor. The capacitance is trifling.
Open the door, get on the floor, everybody walk the dinosaur
« Latin »
Patefacio ianua , adepto in solum everybody ingredior dinosaur
To disclose door , to obtain upon land everybody to enter upon dinosaur
by Shakibing
My, my, Miss American Pie. Drove my Chevy to the levy, but the levy was dry. Them good old boys were drinking whiskey and wine, singing This will be the day that I die.
« Czech »
Má , má , Chybit Americký Ovocný koláè. Dav má Sekýrovat až k èlen urèitý odvádìt , aby ne èlen urèitý odvádìt was nudný. Je blaho stará garda byli doušek dvoukolový koèár a víno , zpìv Tato vùle být èlen urèitý èas aby JÁ forma na lití pod tlakem.
Has , has , Mistake American Tart. Swarm has Nag to the draft , lest the draft was humdrum. Them welfare old boys were tope whisky plus wine , song This wills subsist the while that SELF die.
by Tom Repasky
But I still have not found what I am looking for!
« Czech »
Aby ne JÁ tichý mít ne lít jaký JÁ am hledìt do!
Lest SELF still hold no shower what SELF am view up!
But I still have not found what I am looking for!
« Latin »
Tamen EGO etiam have non instituo quis EGO sum vultus pro!
Nothwithstanding I as yet fui not to establish anyone I to be facial expression for!
If I had a penny for everything stupid that came out of your mouth, I would be a very rich man.
« Latin »
Si EGO had a penny pro panton bardus ut venit ex vestri os , EGO would exsisto a valde uber vir.
If you wish I fueram a feather for everything stupid when came out of your oris , I would to emerge a intensely productive man.
If I had a penny for everything stupid that came out of your mouth, I would be a very rich man.
« Chinese (traditional) »
If I have from yours mouth come out stupid all one penny, I can be an unusual rich person.
« Russian »
by Lou
But Jimmy has fancy plans! And pants to match.
« Japanese »
しかしジミーに豪華な計画がある! そして一致するべきズボン。
But there is luxurious plan in [jimi]! And the pants which should agree.
is that a banana in your pocket or are you just happy to see me
« Chinese (simplified) »
Is that perhaps you looks at me happily in a yours pocket's banana
Nice shirts like you!