I'll text you the results of the football match
I'll text vos praecessi of football compositus
I'll woven fabric you to go of football orderly
To be, or not to be? That is the question.
이고기 위하여, 또는 이지 않기 위하여? 그것은 질문이다.
This meat in order, or in order not to be intelligence? It is question.
hey, want to fuck?
hej! , potřeba až k do prdele?
ho, want to fuck it?
You are a handsome man, would you like to join me for a drink?
U is een knappe mens, u zou willen zich bij me voor een drank aansluiten?
YOU are nice people, you would want connect yourself at me for a spirits?
Give me a sheet of paper and you die!
저에게 종이 장을 주거든 당신은 죽는다!
Gives the paper market to me and you dies! where
My dick is so big and bloody.
As for my hateful person very large.
by Barack osama
office of the president elect
usluga nad odreðeni èlan izabrani predsjednik
boon on the chosen chairman
just google it
netop google sig
precisely google themselves
Mama, just killed a man. Put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger now he's dead.
다만 남자이라고 죽는 Mama. 나의 방아쇠이라고 지금 당겨진 그의 머리에 대하여 총을 he' 두십시오; 죽은 s.
Mama where as the man dies only. As my trigger about his head which now comes to pull the gun he& #039 put; S where dies.
Pussycat Dolls
Pussycat Ddoliau
Pussycat Meadows