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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
« Italian »
Quanto legno nel mandrino una marmotta nordamericana bloccherebbe se una marmotta nordamericana potesse bloccare il legno nel mandrino?
How much wood in the bloccherebbe mandrel a North American beaver if a North American beaver could block the wood in the mandrel?
holy crap!
« Italian »
schifezza santa!
Saint schifezza!
my very excellent memory just served up nine planets
« Danish »
mig nok så fortrinlig hukommelse netop betjent oppe ni klode
me very excellent memory precisely tended up nine planet
by gm
I demand you take that truncheon and beat the fish senseless!
« Chinese (traditional) »
I request your night stick and hit the insignificant fish's achievement!
This is a warning, which I was warned by my advisor to warn you about. You have been warned.
« Czech »
Tato is jeden výstraha , kdo JÁ was varoval do má poradce až k varovat tebe kolem. Tebe mít been varoval.
This is a warning , whoa SELF was warned up has advisors to warn you aromatically. You hold been warned.
Show me the money bitch.
« Chinese (traditional) »
Demonstrates my money bitch.
All your base belong to us.
« Finnish »
Aivan sinun nojata kuulua jotta objektimuoto.
Clean your base read to thee.
Do not read this sign.
« Latin »
Operor non lego is subcribo.
To work not to gather this to write beneath.
World Of Warcraft is the World that Warcraft lost.
« Japanese »
The world of Warcraft is the world where Warcraft loses.
If you can read this, you're obviously too pissed to be allowed out alone.
« Japanese »
これを読むことができればyou' 余りに怒っている再単独で割り当てられるには明らかに。
If it can read this, you' It is gotten angry to remainder, to be re- independently allotted, clearly.
Nice shirts like you!