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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Never assume the toilet in your hotel has been sanitized for your protection.
« German »
Nehmen Sie nie an, dass die Toilette in Ihrem Hotel für Ihren Schutz saniert worden ist.
Never assume that the toilet in your hotel for your protection was reorganized.
I left my socks at your house last night
« Czech »
JÁ levá strana má ponožky v tvùj dùm vèera veèer
SELF verso has socks within yours household last night
The end is not was but is there to the end of the human waste.
« Japanese »
There is no edge there and/or there is an edge of excretory ones of the person it is not, but.
by Ricky Bobby
your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elder berries
« Romanian »
al tãu mamã was un hamster ºi al tãu tatã smelt de elder berries
your mother was an anchovy and your father smelt from elder berries
That which does not kill us makes us strong.
« Japanese »
That we are not killed can point to us strongly.
translate yourself
« Chinese (traditional) »
Translates itself
Is the glass half empty or half full
« Czech »
Is èlen urèitý barometr polovina hladový èi polovina mandlovat
Is the weather glass half hungry or half mangled
by Joe
You dare bring light into my lair? You must die!
« Chinese (traditional) »
您敢带领光进入我的穴? 您必须死!
You dare to lead the light to enter my hole? You must die!
Mah boy, this piece is what all true warriors strive for
« Japanese »
The boy of Mah, this part is because of those where all true soldiers endeavor
Falcon Punch!
« Chinese (simplified) »
The falcon fights with the fists!
by Fluf
Nice shirts like you!