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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Today, is the day we make our grave. We will not fall back, we will not falter. Be the blood that falls today, for it be held to us, for we brothers shall hold this ground. This will be our resting place.
« German »
Heute ist der Tag, den wir unser Grab bilden. Wir fallen nicht, wir schwanken nicht zurück. Seien Sie das Blut, das heute fällt, für es wird gehalten zu uns, denn wir Brüder halten diesen Boden. Dieses ist unser Ruheplatz.
Today is the day, which we form our grave. We do not fall, we vary not back. You are the blood, which falls today, for it held to us, because we brothers hold this ground. This is our quiescent place.
Terribly appears I have run over your dog.
« Latin »
Formidilose rumex. is videor EGO have run super vestri canis.
Dreadfully sorrel. this to be seen I fui run over, upon your dog.
The man was expected to deliver the new toilet in the morning.
« Spanish »
Se esperaba que al hombre entregara el nuevo tocador por la mañana.
One hoped that to the man it gave the new dressing table in the morning.
italians do it the best.
« Italian »
gli italiani lo fanno il meglio.
the Italians make it the best.
When I look in your eyes, all of my problems are forgotten and everything feels right again.
« Japanese »
When I look at your eye, my problem everything is forgotten, as for everything is moved for the second time by the right.
can i say that I love you? Because I very much do...
« Croatian »
mogu li ono što je kazano taj Volim te? Jer JA vrlo velik dio obaviti.
can I it which had Casanova this I love you? Because I superlative part of complete.
To be or not to be, that is the question.
« Japanese »
For a certain or because it is not, that is question.
Ask what you can do for your country, not what your country can do for you.
« Czech »
Ptát se jaký tebe pocínovat pøemoci tvùj kraj , ne jaký tvùj kraj pocínovat pøemoci tebe.
Question what you tin surmount yours section , no what yours section tin surmount you.
pain is inevitable suffering is optional
« Latin »
poena est inevitable patientia est optional
pain is inevitable patience is optional
Has anyone ever told you that you are angry when you are beautiful?
« Danish »
Har en nogen sinde fortalt jer at du er gal i hovedet hvor du er smuk?
Has a ever told you that you are mad where you are good-looking?
Nice shirts like you!