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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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can i ejaculate on your face?
« Korean »
나는 당신의 얼굴에 사정해서 좋은가?
I situation do in your face and?
Do not bailout General Motors!
« Russian »
Не делает выкуп Дженерал моторс!
Does not make the ransom of General Motors!
Look out you are about to step in a large bees nest
« Portuguese »
Olhe-o para fora estão a ponto de pisar em um grande ninho das abelhas
It looks at it for it are the point to step on in a great nest of the bees
If this empire was to last a thousand years, Men would look back on this day and say That was our finest hour.
« Welsh »
Ai hon hymerodraeth was at bara fil blynedd , Ddynion would ddisgwyl bacia acha hon ddiwrnod a ddeud A was 'n 'n deca awr.
Or this empire servant to bread bill years , Men would look I back astride this day I go say I Go servant ' heartburn ' heartburn fairest hour.
by Brian
she sells sea shells by the sea shore
« Korean »
그녀는 바다 해안에 의하여 바다 포탄을 판매한다
She in compliance with the ocean coast sells the ocean projectile
by izzy
the grass is not always greener on the other side.
« Filipino »
ang damo ay hindi lagi lunti sa ang iba panigan.
the grass are not constantly green toward the different favor.
by izzy
Never put a rooster between two pussycats, unless you want a mess
« French »
Ne mettez jamais un coq entre deux minous, à moins que vous vouliez un désordre
Never put a cock between two pussies, unless you want a disorder
by Joy
Do not look a gift horse in the mouth
« Spanish »
No mire un caballo de regalo en la boca
A horse of gift in the mouth does not watch
Save a horse, ride a cowboy.
« Korean »
말을 제외하고, 카우보이를 타십시오.
Except an end, burn the cowboy.
by Joy
Save a horse, ride a cowboy.
« Spanish »
Excepto un caballo, monte a un vaquero.
Except a horse, it mounts to a cattle tender.
Nice shirts like you!