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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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so she told me to come over, and I took that trip and then she pulled out my mushroom tip, and, when it came out, it went drip, drip, drip I didn't know she had the G.I. Joe, kung-foo grip
« Japanese »
そう彼女はやって来るために、私がその旅行を取り、それから彼女が私のきのこの先端を引き出したことを私に言い、 そして、出て来たときに、それは滴り、滴り、滴り行った I didn' tは彼女にG.I.ジョーのkung-fooのグリップがあったことを知っている
So, her in order to come being popular, I take the travelling, the fact that then she pulled out the point of my mushroom is called to me, when and, coming out, I didn' where that drips, drips, drips and goes; t has known that it is the grip of kung-foo of the G.I. jaw in her
Hello my name is indigo montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die
« Korean »
여보세요 나의 이름은 남빛 montoya, 당신 죽였다 나의 아버지를, 죽는 것을 준비한다 이다
The name woman bond indigo montoya, you killed prepares the fact that dies the father,
by Gen
i like joints to smoke boy
« Greek »
επιθυμώ τις ενώσεις για να καπνίσω το αγόρι
I wish the unions in order to I smoke the boy
Hello my name is indigo montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die
« Japanese »
Today as for my name montoya of the indigo, my father who is killed, the fact that it dies is prepared, is
by Gen
What the hell is going on in here?
« Welsh »
Beth 'r annwfn ydy ar gerdded i mewn 'ma?
Thing ' group the underworld he is being away in here?
what the hell is going on over here?
« Japanese »
Something has happened to this?
by HellRaiser
I want to go to fucking starbucks
« Croatian »
Želim otiđite na karanje starbucks
I want to go to fucking starbucks
I lit my pants on fire
« Italian »
Ho illuminato i miei pantaloni su fuoco
I have illuminated my pants on fire
Que porra é essa???
« Portuguese »
Essa do é do porra de Que???
This of it is of porra of That?
by Andre Brasil
the woman wants that man to have sex with her
« Japanese »
The characteristic where she has been attached to that person wants the woman being
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