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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Olha que coisa mais linda, mais cheia de graça, E' ela a menina que vem e que passa, num doce balanço, a caminho do mar.
« Welsh »
Ddisgwyl am a prettier , bannwr beth chan breintia E' 'i bachgennes a comes a a basia , mewn candy yn siglo , 'r ffordd chan 'r aig.
Espere-me vão uma coisa mais bonita, mais cheia com privilégio de I ele ' ' Eu menina mim vou der que eu vou mim vou mim passo, na agitação quebrada, ' maneira do grupo com ' anfitrião do grupo.
« Korean »
Você é uma mulher incrivelmente linda. Quer juntar-me para um drinque?
« Japanese »
incrivelmenteのきれいな女性である。 1つのdrinqueのための私を結合したいと思うか。
É a mulher limpa do incrivelmente. Nós gostaríamos de conectar-me para um drinque?
I am so happy you are with me. I think I love you.
« Welsh »
Dwi fel 'n ddedwydd ach chen. Dybia Cara 'ch.
I am being like ' heartburn happy you are being with. I suppose I Love ' dogs.
Kill all those who are on the face of the earth.
« Slovenian »
ubijanje vsi oni kdo ste na prvi pogled zemlja.
killing young and old those whom do you take me for are sight-reader world.
by Mike
It is so hard. That is what she said.
« Korean »
아주 단단하다. 그것은 그녀가 말한 무슨이다.
Is hard quite. It says her and is.
by Mike
It is so hard. That is what she said.
« Spanish »
Es tan duro. Eso es lo que ella dijo.
He is so hard. That is what she said.
by Mike
I fucked her then gave her a dirty sanchez
« Japanese »
As for me her the sun chess which becomes dirty in her who then is given it had sexual intercourse
I like to shove a wedge of cheese between my knees.
« Japanese »
I like the fact that the wedged cheese between my knees is pushed.
Take the doorknob, twist it counter-clockwise quietly, then burst into the room with guns a blazin'.
« Slovenian »
zalotiti doorknob , upogib to nasproten - ki se pomika v smeri urnega kazalca tišina , torej počiti v soba s topovski strel a plamen.
trap doorknob , twist this reversely clockwise whist , to conclude to go snap within room with metal sling however torch.
Nice shirts like you!