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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Piss on my face and call me grandma!
« Japanese »
Upset, me the grandmother telephone with my surface!
I know what you are thinking. "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you have got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do you, punk?
« Japanese »
私は考えているものを知っている。 " 彼は6つの打撃か5つだけを始動させたか。" それで、実を言うと、すべてのこの興奮で私はちょっとトラックを自分自身失った。 しかしこれがマグナムびん.44本、世界の最も強力な拳銃、あなたの頭部を吹くのであって、あなた自身に1つの質問をするなるきれいにしなさい: 私は幸運に感じるか。 それで、のパンクか。
I have known those which are thought. " Did he six shocks make just five start? " When with that, it is the truth, I by my lost the just a little track/truck with all this excitation. But this the magnum bottle .44 book, the most powerful handgun of the world, blows your head, make clean asks 1 in you and yourself becomes: Am I moved by fortunately? With that, flat tire?
I know that your powers of retention are as wet as a warthog's backside
« Hungarian »
Tudom amit -a képességek -ból visszatartás van mint nedves mint egy warthog's hátsó udvar
I know that the powers ból retention there is than madid than one warthog's door-yard
I have flatulence that is powerful enough to melt steel, so you may want to stand back.
« German »
Ich habe Blähung, die genug leistungsfähig ist, Stahl zu schmelzen, also können Sie zurück stehen wünschen.
I have blowing, which is enough efficient to melt steel therefore can you back stand to wish.
« Korean »
« Korean »
수치 모직
Every sperm is sacred, every sperm is great. If a sperm is wasted...God becomes quite irate.
« Japanese »
あらゆる精液は神聖、あらゆる精液大きいである。 精液が…無駄になれば神はかなり怒っているようになる。
All semen holiness, all semen is large, is. Semen…If it becomes wasteful, God reaches the point where it is gotten angry rather.
Português para Coreano e de volta novamente. Veja o que é perdido (ou ganho) na tradução.
« Japanese »
のそして代わりに再度原住民韓国のためのポルトガル語。 彼が翻訳で(または利益)失われるものを見る。
E para a segunda vez dentro substituir portuguêses coreanos por causa dos povos nativos. (Ou o lucro) olham aqueles que são perdidas com tradução.
by Carlos
« Korean »
그것은 기다린다!
Espera! onde
please do not feed the fish
« Icelandic »
þóknast gera ekki fæða the fiskur
satisfy do not give birth to the fishy
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