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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Work is the curse of the drinking class.
« Chinese (traditional) »
The work is a kind of curse which drinks.
im 12 yrs old loves nintendo and sony and microsoft i hav 6 bros and 2 sisters(im the second oldest next to d1sablyou)i only take frieand requsts from relitves real frieands or ppl with anything to do with nintendo(nintendofanboy666 64marjo64 mariovsdk superjohnymario ect)some of my enimies r larmnator even tho he has good vids wrathchild42 IHATESYOUTUBE(wtf boom arguement) dont say i cant spell bcuz its how i type
« Japanese »
im古い愛12 yrsの任天堂およびソニーおよびマイクロソフトIのhav 6のbrosおよび2人の姉妹(im d1sablyouの隣の第2最も古いの)私はrelitvesの実質のfrieandsからのfrieandのrequstsを取るまたは任天堂(nintendofanboy666 64marjo64のmariovsdkのsuperjohnymarioのect)とすることを何でものppl私のenimies rのlarmnatorのthoのいくつか彼は私がいかにだけタイプするか私は綴りのbcuzを傾けることをwrathchild42 IHATESYOUTUBE (wtfブームの議論)が言わないよいvidsを有する
im bros and 2 sisters of hav 6 of Nintendo Co. and SONY and Microsoft I of old love 12 yrs (the next door of im d1sablyou 2nd am oldest) I take requsts of frieand from frieands of the substance of relitves or Nintendo Co. (ect of superjohnymario of mariovsdk of nintendofanboy 66,664 marjo64) with doing with something several of tho of larmnator of thing ppl my enimies r as for him I type how just, as for me bcuz of spelling it possesses good vids where wrathchild42 IHATESYOUTUBE (argument of wtf boom) you do not say that it can tilt
by superniitendofan64
Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
« Italian »
Grandine Mary, piena di tolleranza. Il signore è con il thee. Il thou benedetto di arte fra le donne e benedetto è la frutta del tuo utero, Jesus. Mary santa, madre del dio, ora prega per noi i peccatori ed all'ora della nostra morte. Amen.
Mary hail, flood of tolerance. The gentleman is with the thee. Thou Benedict of art between the women and Benedict is the fruit of your uterus, Jesus. Saint Mary, mother of the God, now prays for we the sinners and all' now of our dead women. Amen.
Hello. My name is the best person in the whole wide world which is what makes me awesome.
« Chinese (simplified) »
你好。 我的名字是的整体宽世界的最佳的人什么使我令人敬畏。
Hello. My name is the entire body width world's best person anything causes me to be formidable.
Titanium alloy is used to build most of the state of the art planes
« Latin »
Titanium tribuo est adsuesco assuesco constructum potissimum civitas of professio plagiarius
Titanium to give out is to grow accustomed to to construct chiefly state of monastic rule kid-napper
« Korean »
[su] Tallin
Mom, the meat loaf! Fuck!
« Welsh »
Mom , 'r chig ystelcia! Fuck!
Bomb , ' group meat I skulk! Fuck!
Don't eat cheese before bed. It will give you nightmares.
« Welsh »
Gwisga t bori caws anad gorweddfa. Anrhega 'ch hunllefau.
I dress tower graze cheese before bed. I present ' dogs nightmares.
Internet Explorer has a serious security flaw which could result in someone remotely hijacking your computer.
« Welsh »
Rhyngrwyd Archwiliwr has a 'n brudd ddiogelwch bai a could canlyniad i mewn rhywun 'n anghysbell hijacking 'ch chyfrifiadur.
Internet Auditor ace I go ' heartburn grave you make safe he were to be I go could consequence in someone ' heartburn out of the way hijacking ' dogs computer.
sexta sessão
« Latin »
sedecim session
dezesseis que sentam-se para baixo
by SextaSessão
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