this is the disgusting salad I have ever put in my mouth. gross!
これは私が私の口に置いたあることが実にいやなサラダである。 総体!
As for this a certain thing which I place on my mouth well is the salad truly. All!
I have a large penis.
There is a penis which is large to me.
That would have been good if you included the funny part.
Þessi vildi hafa been góður ef þú innifalinn the hlægilegur hluti.
;l) would á brjósti been kind maybe you included the funny part.
Put your hands up or I will shoot you.
Ponga sus manos o le tiraré.
It puts its hands or I will throw to him.
To be or not to be that is the question.
Because of a certain or because it is not, it is question.
English to Dutch and back again. See what's lost (or gained) in translation.
Het Engels aan het Nederlands en rug opnieuw. Zie what' s verloor (of bereikt) in vertaling.
English Dutch and back again. See what' s lost (or reaches) in translation.
Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
Plaga plaga plaga Plaga plaga
Plague plague plague Plague plague
In the Master chamber they gathered for the feast. They stab it with the steely knives but they just can not kill the beast.
マスターの部屋でそれらは饗宴のために集まった。 それらは鋼のようなナイフとのそれを刺すどうしても獣を殺すことができない。
At the room of master those got together because of banquet. As for those by any means it cannot kill the animal which sticks that of the knife like the steel.
We are all mad here
As for us entirely the lunatic it is here