Narwhals are the Jedi of the seaworld!
Narwhals ar člen určitý Jedi of člen určitý schopný plavby!
Narwhals are the Subject of the navigable!
by j
Shut the fuck up
Tighten the sexual intercourse
It is alive.
To 3. lice od TO BE u prezentu živ.
It 3. wis with IT BE from present alert.
Jesus is God
Iesu ydy Celi
Jesus he is being Heaven
Everyone is losing their minds!
Everyone loses heart!
she went to the doctor for a breast exam.
« Chinese (traditional) »
She goes to the breast inspection doctor.
I would like to buy your nice horse mister. How much are you asking for it?
Quisiera comprar a su señor agradable del caballo. ¿Cuánto usted está pidiendo él?
It would want to buy its pleasant gentleman of the horse. How much you are requesting he?
All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth
Aleiga mín vilja fyrir Jól er minn tveir andlit taka tennur
All my wish pay lip service to Plum pudding is my two face take choppers
Would you like to see my rooster head collection?
Vous aiment voir mon coq dirigent la collection ?
You like to see my cock direct the collection?
You are an incredibly beautiful woman. Would you join me for a drink?
Du er en otrolig skön kvinna. Skulle du förena jag för en dricka?
You are a incredible beautiful woman. Would you join self for a drink?