The Simpsons has gone downhill
Simpsons has zgubljen navzdol
Simpsons has like a duck in thunderstorm earthwards
do prdele, do Prkvanèic
fuck it , fuck it
We are anonymous. We are many. We are strong.
Við ert nafnlaus. Við ert margir. Við ert sterkur.
Accustom art nameless. Accustom art poly-. Accustom art strong.
Like a virgin! Touched for the very first time!
Lige en jomfru! Rørt nemlig den allerede første gang!
Straight a housekeeper! Touched that is to say the very first time!
I want to kick your puppy and take a bath in the ocean.
나는 당신의 강아지를 걷어차고 대양에 있는 목욕을 가지고 가고 싶다.
I kick hard your pup and the bath which is to the ocean and going i have i want.
hello my friends, would you care for a soda?
여보세요 나의 친구, 당신은 소다 돌볼는가 것입니다?
The friend woman bond, you the soda will take care of is the thing?
Google is very famous a searching engine
Google van igazi híres egy kereső motor
Google there is real famous one searcher motor
ei davi, vai tomar no cu!
ei davi, goes to take in cu!
o davi ei, vai recolher o cu!
by Guilherme
Love me two times baby. Love me twice today.
私を2回の赤ん坊愛しなさい。 私を今日二度愛しなさい。
The baby of 2 times do me dearly. Two degrees in today do me dearly.