keep calm and carry on
vztrajati tih ter peljati naprej
to take a strong line with s.o. windless and walk upward
Glamis hath murdered sleep, and therefore Cawdor / Shall sleep no more: Macbeth shall sleep no more
« Korean »
The Glamishath kills a sleep, the Cawdor/compared to above will sleep
in like that reason,: The Macbeth compared to above will sleep
Don't you get it bitch, no one can hear you. Now shut the fuck up and get what's coming to you.
« Korean »
To it it spreads out the female, anyone it will be extensive and there
is a possibility which it will listen to and it does not get all. It
closes a sexual intercourse now and get in you that it is come.
Amor, germen fecundo de la dolencia humana, origen venturoso de sin igual placer, con algo de la noche y de la mañana, con algo de la dicha y del padecer.
La bacteria fecunda de la enfermedad del amor y del ser humano, es igual sin el júbilo, que algo de la noche y algo de felicidad y el principio de la empresa durante la mañana de la cosa que sufre.
Love it!!
ljubezen to!!
preference this!!
Ever seen a cock fight?
« Romanian »
Either seen an cockpit fight?
I have meat hanging in the freezer
« Turkish »
I si become meat execution in the freeze
What would Jesus do?
kakšen hoteti jezuit delati?
what kind of yammer Jesuit work?
Oh my God! There's an axe in my head!
« Danish »
Ouch me Good! There's a �kse to me administrator!