An afro on my head, a black samurai
En afro opp på meg leder , en sort samurai
A afro up at my administrator , a sort samurai
não precisa ser complicado nem grandioso pra ser mágico
그것은 마술 이기 위하여 도 아니다 거대한 pra 복잡하게 될 필요가 없는다
Egoismo mágico em ordem, pra onde é enorme não está complicada, lá não é uma necessidade que se torne e
by Ana Beatriz
The United States of America is the best country in the world.
Određeni član Sjedinjen Američki Države 3. lice od TO BE u prezentu određeni član najbolji država unutra određeni član svet.
The United States of America 3. wis with IT BE from present the best commonwealth in the nepoznato.
kevin likes to eat big hairy rooster
kevin likes at bori 'n fawr 'n flewog ceiliog
kevin likes to graze ' heartburn large ' heartburn hairy cock
by youknowwho
George Harrison is the best Beatle.
George Harrison est optimus Pello pepulli pulsum.
Agricultural Harrison is best To hit.
by Chris
I like what you did to your ass hair. May I ask where you got the bleach?
나는 당신이 당신의 당나귀 머리에 한 무슨을 좋아한다. 나는 당신이 표백제를 어디에 얻는지 질문하더라도 좋은가?
I like grudge in this your donkey head of you. I get this bleach of you in where, questions?
I am going to throw this ball.
Hodlám formovat tato genitálie.
I am going to shape this testicle.
Frosty the Snowman
서리가 내린 눈사람
The snowman where the frost gets off
Give me liberty or give me death
저에게 자유를 주거나 저에게 죽음을 주십시오
Give freedom to me, or, give the dead to me
by Elliot
um cavalo lhe deu um coice
Coice do miliampère Gei ele