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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Gone fishing.
« Japanese »
Picking which does.
by Foster
English to Russian and back again. See what's lost (or gained) in translation.
« Russian »
Английская язык к русскому и задней части снова. См. what' s потерял (или приобрел) в переводе.
English to the Russian and of tail end again. See what' s lost (or it acquired) in the transfer.
English to Dutch and back again. See what's lost (or gained) in translation.
« Dutch »
Het Engels aan het Nederlands en rug opnieuw. Zie what' s verloor (of bereikt) in vertaling.
English Dutch and back again. See what' s lost (or reaches) in translation.
English to Japanese and back again. See what's lost (or gained) in translation.
« Japanese »
英語から日本語および背部再度。 what'を見なさい; sは(または得た)失った翻訳で。
Japanese and the back section for the second time from English. what& Look at the #039; (Or you obtained s) with the translation which is lost.
English to Italian and back again. See what's lost (or gained) in translation.
« Italian »
Inglese ad italiano ed alla parte posteriore ancora. Vedi what' la s ha perso (o ha guadagnato) nella traduzione.
English to Italian and the posterior part still. You see what' the s it has lost (or it has earned) in the translation.
English to Latin and back again. See what's lost (or gained) in translation.
« Latin »
English ut Latin quod tergum iterum. Animadverto quis lost ( vel lucrum ) in reddo.
English when Latin and back again. Notice anyone lost ( or gain ) upon to repeat.
« Russian »
the bow
How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood
« Turkish »
kaç odun -cekti a odun kıkırdamak kıkırdamak eğer a odun kıkırdamak -ebil kıkırdamak odun
inevitable firewood cekti a firewood rustle rustle if a firewood rustle ebil rustle firewood
Este é um pequeno passo para o homem, mas um grande passo para a humanidade
« Korean »
이것은 남자를 위한 작은 단계, 그러나 인류를 위한 훌륭한 단계이다
Isto respeita o homem e a fase pequena, respeita ser do ser humano mas é uma fase
by Moleu
I have a carving knife and a boning knife.
« Japanese »
There is a knife and a knife which pulls out the bone in me.
Nice shirts like you!