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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
I like big butts and I cannot lie.
« Italian »
Gradisco le estremità grandi e non posso trovarsi.
I appreciate the great extremities and I cannot be found.
by Chrissy
« Korean »
이것은 당신이 제 10,000 방문자인 농담이 아니다!
This you is not this 10,000th visit self-acknowledgement joke! where
Kyoto Garden Ryokan Yachiyo
« Korean »
교오또 정원 Ryokan Yachiyo
Kyoto regular staff Ryokan Yachiyo
Hey, You're the Winner for Today!!!
« Korean »
어이, You' 오늘 동안 우승자 다시!!!
Hollo, You' The winner in period of today again!!!
Build you own forces now!
« Korean »
당신을 지금 소유한다 힘을 건축하십시오!
Build the force which has you now!
(1) Unread message
« Korean »
(1) 무식한 메시지
(1) the message which is ignorant
Well good, then. Now I have to go eat lunch and watch Jon and Kate Plus 8. Ta ta!!
« German »
Wohles gutes, dann. Jetzt muss ich gehen esse das Mittagessen und Uhr Jon und Kate plus 8. Ta ta!!
Well-being good, then. Now must I go eat the lunch and clock Jon and Kate plus 8th Ta ta!!
My reduction Crunch is QUITE delicious thank you. :]
« Korean »
나의 감소 위기는 확실히 맛있다 감사한다 당신을. :
My decrement crisis positively is delicious and you whom thanks. :
HA HA! Funny-ness :) SO. How is your reduction crunch? :)
« Japanese »
HA HA! おかし岬:) そう。 あなたの減少はいかにクランチであるか。 :)
HA HA! It is strange the promontory:) So. Is your decrease how crunching? :)
I like Captain Crunch!
« Korean »
나는 경감을 좋아한다 Crunch!
Me likes a reduction Crunch! where
Nice shirts like you!